Check for yourself on SSL Labs or our own tool.
Secure connection
All HTTPS connections are powered by the latest web performance and security features, such as TLS 1.3 with 0-RTT or optimized HTTP/2.
Install your own SNI certificate or let us handle it for you with our InstantSSL by Let's encrypt.
Client panel security features
Secure tokens & Signed URL
Protect your content by using secure links with expiration time, and/or limit them to a specific IP address. We provide a unique token/password to generate signed URLs.
Origin protection
Origin Protection proxy servers reside between your origin and our caching servers, reducing the load on your servers as well as the cost of your egress traffic.
IP & geo-whitelisting / blacklisting
When it comes to allowing or blocking specific IPs or countries, a simple deny/allow rule has you covered.
Hotlink protection
Content theft will no longer be an issue. Lock your content exclusively to your domain. Hotlink protection only allows requests with the correct referer header.
DDoS protection
All of CDN77’s PoPs are equipped with custom-made filters, all with 100G+ network capacity. With 24/7 traffic monitoring, we detect and effectively block both Protocol and Volume based attacks in under 10 seconds.
- Robust networkWe cooperate with 16 transit providers all over the world and have hundreds of direct peers/PNIs. With an external capacity of ~215 Tbps we can ensure uninterrupted delivery of your content.
- Proprietary solutionCDN77 has developed a proprietary DDoS solution based on DPDK. Pairing real-time monitoring with machine learning, we can detect and stop incoming attacks in seconds.
- Non-interrupted connectionWe keep your content safe and accessible to legitimate users, even during an attack, without trade-off; filtered traffic is guaranteed to reach your hosts.